
OCP eco-shield organic snail & slug killer is an effective and organic way to control snails, slugs and slaters. Use to protect seedlings, vegetables and flowering plants in garden beds and pots.
Simply scatter pellets around the plants you wish to protect at a rate of 1 teaspoon per square metre. Reapply as pellets are consumed and after heavy rain.
- Controls snails, slugs and slaters
- Active ingredient is iron powder
- Free from methiocarb and metaldehyde
- Pellets will break down into nutrients for the soil and plants
- Safe to use in veggie patches
- Made in Australia
- Approved for use in organic gardens (ACO)
Active Constituent: 10g/kg iron powder
Click below to download the product label:
OCP eco-shield label
It is important to scatter pellets evenly when using the product. Do not place pellets in heaps.
Keep out of reach of children and pets. Always store in original container and lock in a safe place that prevents access of animals, poultry or ducks. Keep away from domestic pets. Keep away from dogs. Dogs find this bait attractive and it may kill them. If pets are poisoned, contact a veterinary surgeon. To protect birds, remove spillages.
May irritate the eyes. Avoid contact with eyes. Wash hands after use.
Click below to download the Safety Data Sheet (formerly MSDS):
OCP eco-shield organic snail & slug killer