BackAphids are small sap sucking insects which attack a broad range of plants. They come in different colours, like green, orange, black and grey and are mostly 2-3mm long. They breed at an extraordinary rate and are usually seen in large clusters on fresh new growth. Sap sucking weakens the new growth and can cause distortion as plant tissue develops. Sooty mould often develops as large colonies of aphids will produce significant amounts of honeydew.
Aphids can also transmit viruses so it is particularly important to control them on plants which are vulnerable to viral problems eg tomatoes and strawberries.
Plants Attacked
A wide range including roses, stone fruit, citrus, orchids, annuals, herbs, vegetables, flowering ornamentals, bulbs etc…

Aphids on rose stem
Organic Control Methods for Aphids
We have multiple organic solutions but whichever you choose just ensure you thoroughly spray the plants for good results:
Did you know that OCP eco-oil has been HIPPO Enhanced to attract beneficial insects which feed on aphids? Yes OCP eco-oil is dual action with the spray killing aphids directly and also attracting ladybeetles, hoverflies and tiny parasitoid wasps at the same time. The spray won't harm these beneficial insect. Pretty clever hey!
Planting a range of flowering plants around your garden is another way to attract more of these beneficial insects for natural pest control.

Aphids on dipladenia with honeydew building up on leaves (bottom right)

Aphids attacking the base of carrots

Grey aphids on the underside of kale leaves

Black aphids attacking leeks